Table of Contents
Grow plants without water
Put the plantpot into a second, slightly bigger pot which contains water with a little bit of GaNS. The latter will dry out and the plant will continue to use the GaNS bridge to feed itself with moisture and amino acids directly from the atmospheric environment.
As a further step you can use a star formation, placing the three basic cores underground and the top core above ground. In this way the field will be mainly underground. This configuration is very suitable for cultivation in desert areas because you don’t need water at all.
New dimension of agriculture
“With our tests in China and Australia, it’s not that we have just raised the yield, we have brought about a new dimension in the production of food”. M. Keshe
With the help of Plasma Technology, for example rice could be grown reaching its natural protein maximum of 20%. Conventional farming could only reach 13%. But this is only a result on the matter level.
There are other results to be found on the more invisible level. Maybe you know the teachings of Anastasia, explaining that there is a right way to grow food:
Before planting the seeds in the soil, you take them in your mouth for some minutes to impregnate them with your saliva, your DNA. Then you plant them with your hands into your garden that you have designed as beautifully as you could. When the plants grow, visit your garden often and talk to the plants, thank them because they are the messengers between the Universe and you.
Plants grown in this way, will grow for YOU and not for money. Plasma Technology promotes the same effect – if done with love and not using GaNS just like another fertilizer.
Grown in this way the plants grow for human beings and their needs and not for an abstract market. They know you and simply eating them will help cure all of your diseases, because they carry an amount of vital energy totally unattainable for conventionally grown, industrialized food stuffs. Grown with love they reinforce your connection to the Universal Soul, the same effect the UEU has shown. And needless to say, their taste of course is uncomparable!
In this sense, drinking the wine you produce with the Plasma Technology, may cure your diabetes!
How’s that?
Wine effects you first of all via its perfume, its bouquet. This means it effects you on a very high level; as the breathing channel of the nose passes close to the seat of the Soul before going down the throat into the lungs. That means that the effect of the wine will be cascading down from the level of the soul of physicality down to the physical level, balancing everything along its way.
Nutrition in food 1
By Jim Mac Donald, published in the Keshe Times June 2019
The central question of this scientific paper is: can we enhance the nutritional qualities of food we grow by using GaNS?
Two batches of Daikon radish have been used for this tests: one was treated with LP (Plasma Radish) and soaked in distilled water (Plain Radish). The LP was made from a mixture of CO2 + ZnO + CH3 and ocean GaNS.
Both were watered with a Aquaponics standard nutrient solution (Ca, N, Fe, K, Mg, S, P, Ba, Zn, Cu).
The seeds have been soaked in a 0.2% LP solution for 24 hrs. After soaking the seeds were put on coco fibre mats and then the grow trays and watered with a 0.02% of the same LP. The Plain Radishes were only soaked and watered with distilled water and the same nutrient solution.
After the sprouts were grown, they were removed from the coco fibre, washed and the excess water removed.
The untreated radish produced slightly more (6g of 470g = 1%)
The material was tested at the Environmental Analysis Laboratory at the University in Lismore (Australia). The results show the values for Plasma Radish versus Plain Radish:
- Nitrogen: same
- Phosphorus: higher
- Potassium: lower
- Sulphur: same
- Ca: higher
- Magnesium: higher
- Sodium: lower
- C: much higher
- Cu: higher
- Zn: higher
- Manganese: higher
- Fe: higher
- Silicon: higher
- Shelf-life: 3x longer
Normally the shelf life of radish sprouts in a fridge at 4ºC is 14-16 days; the Plasma radish could be kept 45 days, which counts for 3 times longer. According to Plasma science, the cells maintain their vitality as long as their magnetic-gravitational fields are intact. When these fields collapse, the cells decompose quickly. The mineral content of plants is vital to the maintenance of the Magrav fields and shelf life.
To be able to understand the nutritional values better, Jim did some research on the development of nutritional values in the last 90 years: his examples (apples, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and spinach) showed a decline of more than 80% in nutritional value over the 70 years (1927 to 1997). Remember that the loss of nutritional value in food may be a cause of the overall health decline in our societies that appears at the same time. It is clear that conventional chemical agriculture (synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and GMO) yields the lowest nutrition values. Organic agriculture and Permaculture give better results.
This experiment shows clearly that the application of GaNS makes happier plants which accumulate more nutrients, have a longer shelf life and nourish us better – make us happier, too.
And this research is really important because it shows a way where can produce more in quantity and quality by less input (fertilizer + pesticides + herbicides = $$$). Remember that the efforts of the Keshe Foundation Agriculture are to enhance food security and health for all as a step towards World Peace.
Going further
M.Keshe comments that research by the Keshe Foundation Agriculture has shown that specific GaNS ratios and mixtures yield specific results – so there seems to be no ‘one size fits all’ solution, even though most of the people apply the basic GaNS with the exception of CuO and they have good results.
To determine the right GaNS mix, you can look at the nutritional value of the plant you want to grow. For the Daikon radish Ca and Vitamin C are high. Then you design your GaNS to enhance those conditions; adding GaNS-Ca and -vitamin C to the basic mix.
But in his observations, there is another, even more important door opening: when we cultivate plants and we love them and we want to give them a good life, then the plants want to do good to us, too. This might also be a reason why the plants nutrient content changes in both ways: adding of what is beneficial to us and diminishing what isn’t – like sodium in the table above.
As Anastasia showed us already there is an existential difference between plants which grow for money and plants who grow for a human being – the same as us: we thrive when we work to share our gifts and we shrivel away when we work for money!
Nutrition in Food 2
By Jim Mac Donald, published in the Keshe Plasma Times, June 2019
Jim wanted to test his plasma radish production in another way to be able to learn more how the Plasma works on plants. To do this, he used the Circular Chromatography, a test to check the life in soils developed by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. The test separates visually the different components of a sample. The layers of different materials arrange themselves in concentric circles.
Jim made 3 groups to test:
- his Plama Radish,
- his Plain Radish, grown in his plasmatic environment, and
- ordinary radish bought in a shop and cos lettuce
Preparation of the filter paper
Dissolve 0.5g of silver nitrate in ml distilled water
- 2mm hole in the centre of a circular piece of filter paper (10cm diameter); cut a 2cm x 2cm square piece of filter paper and roll it up to create a wick; place the wick in the hole of the circular filter paper.
- Allow the wick to stand in the solution of the silver nitrate until it makes a wet circle with a 4cm radius
- remove the wick and allow the paper to dry
Preparation of the plant material
- Dissolve 0.5g of NaOH in 500ml distilled water
- weigh 50g of plant material, add the caustic solution and blend until smooth
- let sit for 1 hour
Creating the Chromatograph
- place a new wick into the silver nitrate filter paper
- place the paper with the wick over a small dish with the blended plant material and let it wick; it may take about 30 minutes to wick up the plant mix to a radius of 4cm
- take the wick out and hang the paper to dry in indirect sunlight; this may take several days
We know that the use of NaOH opens up material; in the nano layering process for example, copper atoms get spaced further apart from each other. And in the GaNS production process, the nano material in a saline solution creates even bigger distances between the GaNS particles. We understand that this magrav distancing separates the elements that we want to test and substances with a very strong magrav field will not be broken up easily by this weak NaOH solution.
Plants are already in a GaNS state. The components of plants, such a proteins, sap, intracellular organs, minerals, etc are held together by magrav fields. By blending the plant material, we have separated the individual elements and the adding of NaOH weakened the holding fields further.
When the solution is wicked up, it will position the different plant components in respect to their own Magrav field strengths.
In the Circular Chromatography, the centre zone displays the higher Magrav strength elements; the middle zone will show proteins, vitamins and amino acids and the outer zone will show the overall integrity, vitality and strength of the plant; especially the zone C.
The areas in the periphery indicate the following:
- wicking limit of the silver nitrate
- silver nitrate without plant materials
- wicking limit of the plant material
Plasma radish versus bought plain radish
You see the plain radish on the left and the Plasma radish on the right.
We see in both images the following zones:
- white centre zone
- zone with a forked pattern
- darker brown peripheral zone
- outer edge
Comparing the two pictures, the plasma radish shows more distinct layers, indicating that the different field strengths are maintained, which indicates that the cells have not broken down. Also the outer boundary is more defined, signifying that the plant as such is more vital; this explains the longer shelf life. The shop radish doesn’t show very much detail (not very many different fields) and the overall image is rather foggy.
Plain radish grown in plasma environmental
The chromatograph of plain radish grown in Jim’s plasma environment resembles more to the Plasma Radish than to the shoo radish. The clear border area of the plasma radish is still visible in the environment radish; and the white, forking patterns are better defined than in the shop radish.
This leads us to the conclusion, that plants, which are growing in a plasma environment are already more vital and healthy than conventional plants.
Plasma grown Cos lettuce versus a shop bought variety
On the left you see the shop variety and on the right the plasma grown cos lettuce.
The bottom row shows a close up of the border lines of the two samples.
We clearly see that the structure of the plasma lettuce is not broken up at all; the tow images almost look as if they were taken from different plants.
So in a further experiment, Jim let the plant material of both varieties for 3 days in the caustic solution; after which he took two more chromatographs: there the images are more similar, but still the Plasma lettuce being more defined, less broken up structures, indicating more vitality.
We also see that the shop lettuce is not very different when put 1 hour or 3 days in the caustic solution – it is broken down already; indicating that the plant structure was initially weak. At the same time the plasma lettuce did show more and more details after longer exposure to the caustic; this indicates a initially very strong field structure that did not broke down but broke up, showing more detail of underlying structures.
Also the central white structure opened much more up in the shop lettuce. And the field boundaries in the Plasma lettuce remained well defined while the ones of the shop lettuce are blurry. This reminds of the water pictures of Masuru Emoto, where good vibes (right) formed beautiful crystals while bad vibes (left) lead to the creation of blurry undefined shapes.
As a final observation the photographs of the caustic solutions, left alone for several weeks with plant matter show:
- in the plasma radish container the plant matter floats and the layers are clearly separated
- in the container with the environment radish we see a uniform coloured soup
That suggests that the plasma radish still has a lot of magnetic fields (separation) while the environment radish has none, so everything mixes.
Rumanian Garden Ideas
Lay out plastic hose assemblies throughout the garden; fill them with water and add in it 3 cups of LP+GaNS added (CO2, ZnO, CH3). Leave them for 24 hours and then release it to the plants.
- You could make a system where the GaNS is pumped through the hoses in a circular design; forward and backward at different speeds.
- Condition the compost pile with plasma water as well.
- You can make Rodrigo Rings: double nano-coated plastic rings (inside LP-ZnO, outside LP-CO2).
Plasma Rescue Remedy for plants
Gather small plant parts, leafs, twigs, also compost – a tiny bit of everything that goes into your garden.
- Pour used caustic solution over the plants in a seal-able plastic container.
- Close the lid and leave it for at least 21 days in a quite spot
- The concoction should have turned black. Pass it though a coffee filter.
- Wash it to bring the pH up around neutral (7)
Take 200ml of the liquid and mix it with 200ml of LP-CO2+ZnO+CH3 and 1 litre of water; give to an unhealthy plant some of that water. It works also for plant clippings.
You can water seedlings with this water and put them out earlier – they will have protection against cold.
Reverting GMOs
The application of LP-CuO and LP-CO2 to OGM seeds made that the seed rejected the genetic manipulation. The longer we left the seed in the fields, the further back the seed went in it’s history. In this way we could leave the seed long enough to let it go back to it’s original state. This was the example of the wheat grain that grew like a grass plant after plasmatic treatment.
How come the seed rejects the genetic manipulations after being in contact with Plasma? Which part of the grain was shedding the genetic manipulations?
Here’s how M.Keshe explains this: The GaNS applied talked to the soul of the grain, reinforced it’s soul relative to the material plane where the genetic manipulations are. Having become stronger, the Soul could reject the manipulations and revert the grain to it’s original state. We accessed the RNA, reverted it back to a state closer to it’s origin; then this RNA could dictate the corresponding changes in the DNA and the material plane followed.
Space-age agriculture
A successful agriculture today depends on soil with high organic content, enough water, fertilizer, appropriate climate conditions and the right position of the sun (season).
In the new space-age agriculture we change the environment above the soil, where most of the interaction of the plants with the environment take place to suit the needs of the plants to grow and to bear fruit. In this way we can become independent of the factors mentioned before – even independent of irrigation water.
In order to establish a new environment, we need to create an atmosphere with an abundance of amino acids (COHN) in plasmatic form of course.
The amino acids create by their interaction with oxygen and hydrogen already present in the atmosphere the moisture that the plant needs.
It is the mineral content of the soil which decides which plants will grow well on the spot. The amino acid charged field will enhance or tweak the mineral content according to what we want to grow. In this way we become also independent on specific soil conditions and fertilizers!
The amino acids have also an influence on the nutrient content of the plants : agricultural plasma experiments in China have not only brought a significant raise in quantity (+120%) but also a raise in the protein content in rice to 20%. Rice, due to its structural possibilities, cannot contain more than 20% protein. The average protein of contemporary rice production is around 11-13%. That means plasma does not only increase the amount of crop harvested but also the quality!
There are different ways to create the plasma fields required – bottles filled with different concentrations of LP installed at strategic spots in the fields can do the job. There field interaction will create a new free plasma field covering the planting area. For plants that grow underground (asparagus, beets, potatoes, carrots etc) we just have to drill holes into the ground and place the GaNS reactors at various distances in the holes. The plasma conditioning of the soil does an amazing job; harvests could be raised by +200% in test in China.
On a larger scale, it is also possible to deploy the plasma fields via satellite; in this case the area covered is of course much bigger, in the range of many square kilometers.
Corn harvest raise 120% with Plasma
The effect of the application of Plasma in agriculture is not uniform; this means that the way how we apply the GaNS decides which aspect of the plant growth will be affected. The soaking of the seeds will have a different effect than the spraying with liquid Plasma or the watering with Plasma.
The KF does support heavily the research of Plasma on agriculture with the intent to double the harvest of any farmer in the world without costly fertilizer, herbicides or pesticides. Doubling the harvest without additional cost will make it possible for any farmer to (out-)compete industrial farming enterprises. On the individual level thes success will help to take any farmer out of poverty and allow him to have a comfortable life.
But there will be a huge benefit on the national level as well: doubling the productivity will automatically lead to the establishment of a national food security; which makes countries immune against the threats and bullying of wealthy nations like the US; power hungry nations will not be able anymore to enforce their policies via the control of food supplies on food hungry nations.
The KF has succeeded to increase the wheat production in China by 120%! Stay tuned for the detailed reports of the agricultural tests in China; they will be published in the December issue of the Plasma Times.
Ant problems
Cary Ellis brought up a problem : Her place is assaulted by ants, that threaten to kill the trees by taking down all the leafs or they threaten to demolish the wood structure of her house. She tried all sorts of GaNS applications, she tried to talk to the ants, she tried essential oils – all to no avail…
She shared it on the last KSW246. The answer of M.Keshe draw an exact image of the tension zone in which this event takes place:
we don’t want to kill the ants
we don’t want to push the problem away from us so that someone else will have it – and we don’t care
we don’t want to force them because they are souls like us – trying to find happiness like any living being
we don’t want to interfere with the bigger picture – the huge complex interrelating web of life, because we don’t understand it enough
‘By chance’ I found this very valid contribution, a powerful story from Pat McCabe, a Navajo and Lakota activist. Her contribution is so good because she puts herself right into the tension zone marked by M.Keshe. She didn’t have an ant- but a much threatening water problem :
Pat McCabe, the woman who stands shining, is very radical : she takes the approach of the beloved towards the lover, she is emotionally touched, she does not decide but only shares the problem she is facing and gives time to the other entities (water, earth, Nature) to find the solution. Her deep trust and her understanding of being part of the great web of life makes it all good. I think we can’t do better!
Fire Blight Bacteria on fruit trees
A series of experiments done by Günther Blum. His pear tree has gotten the Enterobacteria Amylovora; this bacteria causes the fire blight disease which turns leaves black. He first tried to treat it with LP-CuO thinking that it is used against infections, but this only stopped the blackening of the leafs a little bit; it only slowed down the advancing of the bacteria.
Then he tried LP-S (sulfur GaNS water made in CO2 reactor) and this stopped the bacteria right away. Only 2 days after spraying the leafs (once each day), the infection symptoms were stopped.
What to do with herbicide resistant plants?
A farmeresse from Brazil reports that her biggest problem are weeds that cannot be controlled anymore because they have become resistant against all chemicals… can we find a plasmatic solution to specifically grow one sort of plants and not others?
The ethics of the Plasma Science prevents us from killing life forms; however, we can change the environment and suggest plants in that way to move somewhere else. The easiest and most difficult way – because of our skepticism – is to talk to the soul of the plants. The other way is to change the environment in a plasmatic way. And a third way would be to strengthen the souls of the plants we want to grow in order for them to be so strong that they outgrow naturally the other weeds in competition!
We see a possible way to do that with ‘Beatane’; the transmuted glyphosate herbicide from Montanto. This new GaNS is said to strengthen the immune system as well as the genetic structure of life forms.
An Alternative to pesticides
Klaus form Austria has made experiments with bark beetles. This 5mm big bug drills holes inside the bark of trees to live there, depleting the tree from his sap. In the experiment to get rid of the nuisance, they installed different GaNS balls on windmills around the tree. Subsequently the bark beetles disappeared but other insects like ants disappeared as well. Now the question arose naturally, why all the insects left? And would it be possible to create a selective, plasmatic action only against the bark beetle?
Before answering the questions, let’s look at the premises of the experiment: What has been done, was to expel the predators. The bark beetles did not arrive ‘on their own’ or ‘by chance’; they came naturally – called by the frequencies emitted by the tree. So instead of addressing the symptoms, we can address the cause – the situation of the tree!. A healthy tree does not send out signals to call pests only sick and weak trees do…
So a more straight forward and appropriate approach would of course be to strengthen the tree, so that he does not send out signal of disease which subsequently attract bugs. In order to do this,
take the wood of a tree from the region that has already been cut down; take the sample form where the soul of the tree is, the junction between the trunk and the roots and make a GaNS of it.
Then enhance this GaNS with LP-CH3 and LP-Mg
And feed it back to the trees
In this way you work on enhancing the strength of the tree and also the force of the forest or orchard; so you point directly and precisely towards what you want: healthy, fruit bearing trees and you can leave the animal world alone … a much more ethical approach!
Changing Plants the right way
Apart from biological agriculture, we have always tried to raise yields by applying fertilizers and genetical engeneering – both may yield more tons of food stuffs at the same time rendering our food almost poison… the Plasma Science opens a new possibilities!
The 2 speciments of Kiri trees from Japan have been planted at the same time; they were both 2 years old when transplanted in this location. The small plant in the back (inside the small square) has been allowed to grow within the given natural condition; the big plant (inside the big square) has been growing in a changed environment. It grows about 15cm a day.
The change in the environment has been made by 3 LP-reactor balls (inside the pink circles). We believe that the balls have been filled with a strongly magnetical plasma in 3 different concentrations. First, after their transplantation, the plants have been given the time to adjust to their new environment; the GaNS balls have been introduced after. The difference you see has been achieved in 60 days.
The potential consequences of this experiment are important for agriculture in letting farmers get more yields on the same land with the same resources. The change of the environment is only done by liquid Plasma; there is no need to add fertilizers, more water, etc.
Changing the yields in this way will enable farmers to walk out of poverty and helps secure food security. Food security yields stable governments; stable governement are more peaceful.
Another benefit can be envisioned for the timber industry, where large timber losses can be compensated by trees that are more healthy and growing 10 times faster than the same trees in conventional environments. You see plasma technology is completely different from genetical engeneering as it does not make any changes to the plant itself, neither to the material environment – but only to it’s plasmatic environment.
The soul of the plant is not changed, only the plasmatic environment leading to the leafs growing bigger and in a larger number. The leafs can be alikened to our arms and legs. So this teaches us an example what will happen to us in space : our soul stays the same but, depending on where we land, our body will manifest itself according to the given environment – 4 legs and 6 arms.
Drastic historical changes to our planet, like the extinction of the dinosaurs can also be explained by this experiment : when the dinosaurs were thriving, the earth was further away from the sun, the general environment on the planet (composed by the magrav fields of the sun and the earth) were in a different proportion. The further the earth is away from the sun, the bigger the life forms will become, because the magnetical fields of the sun are weaker. Moving closer to the sun, her magnetic field became stronger and did not allow the sizes of dinosaurs anymore… so they disappeared because the new environment did not allow huge bodies anymore.
In this example the reverse has been done : the magnetic field of the sun has been pushed back so the plants could grow taller.
Last but not least – since 2014, when the Plasma Science began to be published on a large scale, millions of people across the planet fabricate different GaNSes – creating a growing amount of GaNS on the planet. This is already changing our global environment! In changing the global environment by diminishing the pressure of the body on the soul, will give more ‘space’ to the soul to expand relative to the material plane.
Monsanto’s Roundup
Monsanto’s Roundup is, chemically speaking, glyphosate. Roundup is a weed killer that is so widely used that traces of it are found in the drinking water and in processed foods like cereals, kids have for breakfast. Glyphosate is linked to the development of cancer.
The image shows the chemical structure of glyphosate and our DNA. When you look at both of them you see a similarity in their structure – and it is this similarity that makes it so dangerous for us. Both of the molecule structures are amino-acid based – that means glyphosate is very easy assimilated by all organic life forms.
However, glyphosate only mimiks an amino acid – it is not really one because it misses the carbon (C) in it’s structure. The mimik is accepted by the human body as an amino acid, the same stuff all life forms on this planet are made of.
P is the most important and vital element in the human body; it is responsible for the development of the characteristic helix shape. But the P has a limited life time, so it has to be replaced constantly. Our cells need the phosphorus to maintain it’s DNA in a good shape. The processes to maintain the supply of P is coordinated by the thymus and thyroïdal- glands.
And here is the dangerous point : The infiltration of glyphosate into the human organism will replace the original P part by it’s own one; as it is not the same, it will not allow the correct formation of the healthy structure of the DNA. A wrong DNA can lead to the formation of unhealthy cells – cancer cells. Voilà.
How can plasma help? You can change the bonds inside the glyphosate a simple way; it’s molecules are centered on the elements of amino acids – COHN, only the C is missing. You only need to convert the field forces of two of the oxygens (O) to create the field force of C; in other words : you add GaNS-CO2. The introduction of carbon (C) in plasmatic or GaNS-form will change the glyphosate from a fake amino acid to a real one. The real amino acids will then support the DNA structure, make it stronger, instead of harming it.
This is really great news! We can not only block the harmful effects of Roundup & Co but transform the bad guy into a good guy! This in fact is similar to the introduction of EMF-Shields into the protection against smart meters (CoCo-i2) – the original harm is converted into a blessing for humanity. In the Coco-i2 the harmful eletromagnetic frequencies are changed into beneficial frequencies. The restructured former glyphosate reinforces the DNA as well as the immune system.
The transformation of glyphosate into a beneficial agent could be a blessing for agriculture, too; in the sense that it reinforces DNA and immune system – making all the plants more resistent and stronger!
Glyphosate test (Plasma Laurentides)
Our land is full of Plasma; we use LP in ping-pong balls to help enhance the environment, so plants, animals and us thrive. We also dump the GaNS washing water on different spots on the land and we deposit used nanocoated plates and coils on/into the ground as well.
We put two patches of naturally grown wild herbs in 2 separate containers. We sprayed the first one with glyphosate (roundup by monsanto). We added the same amount of LP-CO2 into another batch of glyphosate to transmute it; we call the new product ‘Beathane’. Then we sprayed the transmuted liquid on the second batch.
When we came to look at the following day, there was no change in neither of the containers. We were puzzled. Even after 1 week there was no change…
So we called the help of our dowser friend Denis Quenneville and together we found these measurements:
When Glyphosate and Beathane are placed next to each other on the same table
Glyphosate concentrate (standing next to Beathane): 75% beneficial energies; 30% damaging energies
Béathane: 50% beneficial energies
Now we checked Glyphosate as bought in the shop; and Béathane right after transmutation:
Glyphosate concentrate: 0% beneficial energies; 80% damaging energies
Béathane: 70% beneficial energies
It is not really necessary to put the physical LP-CO2 into the glyphosate to transmute it – the change already occurs when the glyphosate is in a plasmatic environment (such as our garden). Even the glyphosate cannot hold its toxicity when in proximity of its transmuted version or in proximity of LP-CO2… that is super good news: we understand now that Glyphosate cannot hold it’s quality as a herbicide in a plasmatic environment; the very presence of LP-CO2 for example transmutes the glyphosate without any need for physical contact!
MaGrav-Reactors for the Environment
From Barbu Constantin.
In the last days in Romania there have been many hailstorms and tornado-like violent storms that have done a lot of ravages in agriculture.
We recommend that when weather gets aggressive, install on your property dynamic reactors with Gans C02 + ZnO + amino acids, to balance the atmosphere.
We also recommend spraying mixtures of Liquid Plasma the whole garden area to restore the plasma balance.
Liquid Plasma Pesticide
by Benjamin from Ghana
For agricultural applications, we do the same thing: mix the GaNS-soap water with the GaNS-CuO water; by spraying a field with this water, we don’t kill the insects but we change the environment, which then comes unsuitable as habitat for insects and other pests.
Plasma shelters from massive hailstorm (Agriculture)
A massive hailstorm in the Hunedoara County, Romania in June 2018. The experience of the storm was a memorable one, because the area of the house, the garden and the garden plasma lab – all treated (sprayed with LP) – has been spared by the massive hailstorm that ravaged the gardens of neighbors beyond a 30m limit. The whole terrain has been sprayed with LP-CO2+ZnO.
The photos of the garden and the ones of the neighbors have been taken on june 11,2018. This experience corroborates the experience made by Tom Salas’ mother’s garden in Dominica, November 2017.
Treating viruses in agriculture
By Plasmaculture
A friend of mine, who grows vegetables, approached me because one of his flower beds was attacked by the squash mosaic virus.
The virus had spread through the whitefly. The foliage showed symptoms of mosaic (alternating yellow, light green and dark green colour) or yellowing, often associated with significant leaf deformations (filiform leaf or winding of young leaves). A reduction in plant size had also been observed. The fruits had a mosaic colour (with green streaks), shrivelled and bumpy, which greatly reduced their commercial value.
Treatment :
Spray plants with a 4ml PL-CuO2 mixture mixed in 40 litres of water (for one acre); make 2 applications within 72 hours. The virus is gone completely.
Plasma Energy and Hurricane Maria
By Lynn Schmaltz
Tom Salas shows the effects of plasma energy on the family garden of his relatives in Dominica. These garden photos were taken after Hurricane Maria. He published a video of his mother’s garden in the beginning of the 19th One world, one nation…
Surreal! With plasma energy station vials or pads you could have much helpful energy available at your fingertips.
For more information on plasma energy go to The following link is a video that Tom shares how he would collect various kinds of debris to make basic plasma energies in a disaster zone.
LP ring for plants
From Lepetitatelierdeludo
The division of a plant with Gans of CO2/ZNO :
I placed a tubular ring filled with CO2/ZNO GaNS around an Aloe Vera. After one or two months, I had two shoots of Aloe Vera which appeared whereas the aloe next door which did not have a collar had none at the time.
Several months have passed. Now, the right Aloe Vera (which has the collar) has spread over the left one (which has no collar). This makes it easier for him to transmit his fields to his neighbour on the left who has no collar. And I see two shoots appear on the left one.
Nitrogen and rain
Mr.Keshe KSW188
Fields from the sun interacting with those from the earth produce nitrogen in plasma form. This nitrogen falls on the earth by rain. This is why plants grow well when it rains a lot resulting from a good nitrogen supply. And that is the reason why there is life on earth: because if the positioning of the earth in relation to the sun were different, no nitrogen could have been created..
Pots of self-fertile plant
- Place plastic wrap on your mold so the concrete doesn’t stick to the mould
- Soak a piece of cloth in GaNS water
- Prepare the concrete with PL instead of ordinary water and soak the fabric in the concrete.
- Drape the fabric over the mould.
- Add more concrete with a brush/spatula; add ornaments (broken ceramics, stones etc); cover for 24 hours. Unmould, turn the pot upside down, sprinkle with ordinary water, cover and let set for another 24 hrs.
Final product: a plant pot that does not require fertilizer
Intro plasma agriculture
Plants are Vertical People
Plants are also known as “Vertical Peoples”; they are sentient beings like us. They have a physical structure, emotions and soul – like us. Much scientific research has shown that plants react to our thoughts and actions and that we can connect with them through our emotions.
“If plants are living, sentient beings like us – will we continue to eat them in the future?”
Plants interact with fields
Plants do not absorb any soil matter into their environment; they feed only on plasma fields. Plants have a gravitational field and a magnetic field. As each plant has leaves, roots, branches of different shapes, they produce different magrav fields also. The field of the tubaria in the earth has a stronger gravitational field than the fruits which have, at the top of the tree, a stronger magnetic field. From ground covers to majestic trees, each species emits another magrav field; this explains why a natural forest is more beneficial for everyone than a monoculture that can emit only one field…
Plants are living reactors
Each leaf shape represents a different interaction with other fields in the environment; each shape creates a specific magrav field to attract the fields the plant needs.
The plasma ecosystem
The soil is also an entirely living entity: The bacteria, fungi, worms and insects in the soil are alive and sensitive; they are connected to rocks, minerals and crystals, which – they too – are alive and sensitive. They are all connected to the Earth, which is also a living and sensitive entity. We can look anywhere in the universe and we would see nothing but LIFE! Everything is the same but on a different scale; everything is alive and every being interacts with every other being.
Compost, typical composition
- Carbon (brown leaves, branches, etc)
- Nitrogen (table scraps, grass clippings, coffee pond)
- Humidity and oxygen
- Animal manure (cow, horse, hen provide nitrogen and amino acids)
- Sugar/carbohydrates (molasses maintains and increases bacterial life in the soil)
- Potash (wood ash provides minerals and alkalinity)
Compost, composting process
The matter from plants is already in a GaNS state; they are mainly composed of amino acids COHN. Worms grind organic matter using salts and minerals in their stomachs by adding these minerals and trace elements. Bacteria and fungi continue to disintegrate organic matter. Plant material also provides cellulose, lignin, sugars and proteins.
Plasma Activators
- PL-CO2 creates connections between plants and all other living beings
- PL-sea contains the fields of all the minerals and elements of the planet; it functions as a’magnet’ that attracts additional fields from the environment.
- PL-CH3 provides energy for all living things
- PL-ZnO makes plants happy
- PL-cohn makes connections with all other living beings
A good blend (tested in Australia is: 70% seawater + 15% PL-CO2 + 15% PL-CH3; this recipe prevented root rot of hydroponic salad during hot weather. The salad also produced larger leaves and the waiting time until harvest was reduced by 30%.
Another experiment in Australia showed that tomato plants could also grow in adverse temperature periods – too cold: tomatoes could be harvested in October instead of December/January.
Another experiment with radish sprouts: we tested the time and quality of the product in storage in refrigerators: the shelf life is extended; in addition, consumers will benefit from adding PL in their food.
How to use plasma activators
- Prepare the soil with a green compost plantation (bury the plants once they are mature).
- Sprinkle soil with PL-CO2 in large dilution many times; spraying often is preferable to spraying concentrate.
- Before planting, soak the seeds from 4 to 6 hours in PL-CO2
Why are we doing all this?
If each plant is a living reactor and we plant a wide variety of plants, we introduce a wide variety of magrav fields into our garden. This will attract and absorb a wide variety of fields from the environment. Each plant that grows will transform these fields into minerals and amino acids necessary for its life. By using PL on seeds and in the environment, we create healthier and happier plants.
“Thank the plants when you use them as food”
How GaNS works in agriculture
If PL-CO2 is added to the watering water and the plants grow much better, PL-CO2 is thought to act as a fertilizer. Experiments in China have shown that the addition of PL-CO2 makes plants much less susceptible to cold/gel; and other experiments in Mexico that plasma makes plants less dependent on irrigation. Not all of this can be explained by the “fertilizing effect” – this is the correct explanation:
PL-CO2 applied on land creates a”greenhouse”, an environment that protects plants from cold and drought and makes them grow better by plasmically feeding them and also the new environment does not allow harmful insects or diseases.
It would be favorable to add GaNS (PL) which makes the plant happy: PL-Mg
If you dip a potato in PL-CO2 and plant it, it will radiate a plasma field into the soil; which will then include other potatoes growing in the same space. If additionally the earth is sprayed with water conditioned by PL-CO2 – at that moment a shield was created. And an interaction between the potato field and the field over the soil; one can increase the interaction if one chooses two different GaNS: for example PL-CO2 (potato soaking) and PL-CH3 or PL-CuO over the soil – then a strong interaction is created which makes the soil effectively irrelevant, because the plant will feed on the plasma environment.
In this way each potato creates its own so-called greenhouse. Then we need to know the needs of the plants (Mg, Ca, S, etc) and we can then feed them directly by the PL-equivalent.
GaNS feed for chickens
Jacky’s method:
Place the following ingredients in a container:
Organic kale, organic salad, organic cabbage, organic eggshell, organic hemp, organic flax, mixed grains for hens
Add Eau-de-GaNS-CO2 about 3cm over the mixture and mix at maximum speed for 2 minutes.
Let it sediment for 12 hours.
Take 10ml of the clear area and add more Eau-de-GaNS-CO2.
Repeat the steps (3 and 4) 2 more times.
You can add 1ml/hen in their water.
Plasma Gardening
By François Flibotte
This year I completely replaced all the facilities from last year with this new facility which is much more convenient for garden maintenance. I share my work to inform people and especially to encourage them to do the same to make technology evolve in a practical way for all those who would like to benefit from a healthy diet and this, even on a limited lot (100 ft X 60ft) usual of a house in the suburbs.
- I started by removing all the previous installations and shaved the entire ground with my brother’s tractor to level the ground.
- Then I built 3 bins of 30′ each by 24″ wide and 24″ high. Some of the No. 3 and 4 bins are lower (10″) but have support heads so that all climbing plants can be suspended from ropes. The bins facilitate maintenance without having to lean over the floor continuously.
- Cement tiles were lined up in the aisles to facilitate the passage of the wheelbarrow and to avoid bringing soil into the house.
- In the section of the support heads, each row of plants is connected to a cable at the bottom on which ropes are attached for each plant. Each rope is attached alternately between the left and right cable at the top of the head to allow sunlight to penetrate between each rod. In the part with the supporting heads, all climbing plants are attached and positioned to grow high (tomato, cucumber, peas, beans, melon etc.).
- An automatic watering system was also installed to water at 7:00 in the morning and 12 hours later at 19:00 for 3 minutes for each of the 4 watering lines. I also ordered a moisture sensor that is designed for this system that will analyze soil moisture and cancel watering if necessary if, for example, it rains for too long. I added a siphon valve that adds all the plant nutrients to each watering.
- In the boiler I added CO2/Zn GANS as well as urine and eventually I will also add sea water GANS. Then I could experiment with different GANS el than magnesium, calcium etc.
- Now I just have to add some balls filled with GANS which will also hang on the support head and then add in the other bins.
- The last two containers are insulated with 2″ polypropylene and eventually I will add transparent lids for growing vegetables during the winter. I will also add a transparent half-moon dome above the support and polythene rollers on each side to extend the growing period before and after the season. This section a closed faith, will in fact be like a mini greenhouse that will warm the ground with the sun during the winter.
- It consists of 6 grafts of different branches from different types of fruit trees so each branch generates different fruits that are sometimes larger than the branch itself. (Peach, plum, pear, cherry etc.) GANS balls will be attached to the tree soon.
Paul’s Ointment/Togo
Paul’s ointment from Togo can be used in agriculture as a pesticide which, at the same time, greatly increases production.
Plants that change colour
Another experience of Paul from Togo: he sprayed flowering plants with Eau-de-GaNS-CO2 in which he mixed a color for 7 days before flowering. Are the colors artificial? The moment the flowers appeared it stopped spraying – the flowers adopted the color of GaNS. In the same way black roses etc. can be made. It can also change the colors of the leaves. Can it change the taste?
GaNS liquid and cucumbers
Douglas watered the plants with CO2+CH3+ZnO+NaOH GaNS-Water and the results are amazing. GaNS changes the plant’s environment, which changes the plant’s growth.
By using GaNS we create the environmental conditions that the plant favours to grow to its maximum.
Preservation by PL
The shelf life of food in the fridge or outdoors increases significantly with the application of PL-CO2. It is suggested not to cover the container with food because – open – the PL will exchange and take energy from the environment; this is not the case if the lid is closed (both the lid and the container are in material state, therefore absorb plasma energy).
GaNS rings for fruit trees
An apple grower placed tubes of PL-CO2 80% + PL-ZnO 20% around the feet of these apple and peach trees. The production of its trees increased so much that there were 30 to 40 peaches or apples on each branch.
Liquid Plasma Balls
By Jean Louis Crobon
We take transparent balls and fill them with a mixture of 20%PL-ZnO+80%PL-CO2. PL-CH3 and PL-Mg can also be added in the range of 5-10%.
Then the balls are glued on pipes according to your choice and planted with the plants in the pots.
This arrangement can be increased in its efficiency if we create a plasma differential: for example we water the plant with the same Liquid Plasmas but in very small quantity.