The Creation of Life How is life created on our planet? The process of creating life on Earth is done by the interaction of the sun’s plasma field with that […]
Nano-plaquage Introduction Dans le nano-plaquage les atomes du matériel de base, cuivre (Cu) pour la plus part, sont transformé en nano-particules. Ils formes des couches sur la surface du matériel […]
Pro-Chaleur PL
Fabrication ProChaleur-PL Remplissez 2x sacs (10mm x 10mm) avec 6ml de PL-CO2; ajouter une goutte de PL-ZnO et PL-CH3; ajoutez 54ml d’eau distillée et fermez les sacs Remplissez 2x sacs […]
Pro-Chaleur Plasmique 2
Fabrication ProChaleur-Cu-np Coupez une plaque de cuivre (0.1mm d’épaisseur) dans les dimensions 10cm x 6cm. Faites un trou dans chaque coin d’un côté de 6cm de la plaque; ce trou […]
14_Principal, Transition & Matter
Principal, Transition and Matter We have already learned that Plasma is organized as a spiral whose strongest field point is in the centre. The further we go towards the periphery, […]
Plasma Oasis
How to create an Oasis? An Oasis in the sense of Plasma Science is a Magrav device that creates a protected area, for example your house. The protection includes safety […]
Plasma positioning Round magnets are very suitable for observing the behaviour of plasma. When 3 magnets are placed on a flat surface, each of them will find its blanced position […]
27_Verifying Plasma Fields
Checking plasma fields Plasma fields are invisible; how can they be verified? Water and ice can be used to make plasma fields and rays visible. These experiences are as simple […]
Gravitation Wikipedia explains gravitation this way: Gravitation, one of the four fundamental forces that govern the Universe, is the physical interaction responsible for attracting material bodies together. It is manifested […]
09_Plasma and Matter 2
Plasma and Matter 2 The Creation of Plasma How is a plasma created? An individual plasma is formed by two magnetic rays from other plasmas, which interact together to form […]