Plasma 101 – Plasma and the 3 states of matter

The word Plasma comes from the Greek word πλάσμα, which means any form.

We begin our journey into the world of Plasma from the material state – a land known to us for centuries. In conventional physics, there are three states of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous.

We could introduce a fourth one – Plasma. The states that physics are talking about are matter states, but Plasma is not in a material state at all.

Furthermore in conventional physics, we can change an element or substance from one state to another by adding energy, such as heat or pressure. For example, the normal state of water is liquid; when energy in the form of heat is added, it is changed to the gaseous state; and by removing energy, we obtain the solid state, ice.

To change an element or substance in the plasma state, we cannot use heat or pressure. It is a completely different process, that takes place in three steps:

Material State ⇒ Nano State ⇒ GaNS State ⇒ Plasma State

We will explain it with the example of a copper wire.

On the image above we see:

  1. Matter state
    Un-treated, simple copper as wire, plate or coil
  2. Nano-Coating
    The first step is the transition from the material- to plasma- state happens during Nano-Coating. In this process the atoms on the surface of a copper wire are transformed into nano particles.
  3. Creation of GaNS
    The second step is the creation of the GaNS. The word GaNS is an abbreviation of :
    GaNS = Gas in a Nano Solid state
    The substance created is gaseous and solid at the same time and its particles are extremely small: on a “nano” scale.
    1 nano meter = 1nm = 1×10-9m = 0.000 000 001 m
    GaNS is Plasma but it is still linked to a material support; that’s why we see it with our eyes.
  4. Free Plasma
    The third step is the formation of a free plasma field. Free plasma is created by allowing 2+ plasma fields (for example 2+ GaNS) to interact. Free Plasma no longer has a material support; it is an invisible gravitational-magnetic field.

In fact, Plasma is the energetic component that is at the centre of all matter; from the largest universe to the smallest electron.

The process described above is also reversible: as one can “sublimate” the matter into Plasma, one can “condense” the Plasma into matter. We can use the different magnetic and gravitational fields and their interactions to create materials, energy, movement etc.

As we will learn later in the course, GaNS production is already a way of creating matter.