Virus in a vineyard

By Norman Ali Ali

One of my friends complaint about virus attack at Bitter Ground.
I sprayed about 4ml CuO2 mixed in 40 litres of water for 1 acre. I sprayed 2 times in 72 hours. The virus disappeared completely.




Mushroom growing

Here is the formula to prevent all typical diseases when growing mushrooms:

  • 25% ZnO
  • 35% CH3
  • 40% CO2

with the exception of Morels, which need less ZnO and more CH3.

CO2 Sprouts

Shared by RAM

I wanted to inform you that I’ve been growing sprouts irrigated with liquid plasma CO2 for months. The seeds have grown in 3 days (picture attached). It is a mixture of lucerne, red cabbage and watercress. The very simple assembly requires only a mister to maintain the humidity on the seeds.

Plasma Wind Reactor

by Ale Abreu

This is a Plasma Wind experiment for the garden.

  1. Fill 4 ping-pong balls with a mix of LP-CO2 and LP-ZnO in different concentrations (for example 100%, 50%, 25% and 12%)
  2. Take a Helix from an old fan; cut one hole in each of the 3 blades; and glue the 3 diluted LP ping-pong balls into the holes
  3. glue a water bottle cap on the middle part of the centre part of the fan; glue the undiluted LP ball into the cap
  4. Cut a hole in a piece of wood (diameter of the fan’s middle part) and glue the fan into the wood plank
  5. Fix the installation on a broom stick planted into the soil or fix it to any structure so the fan is facing the direction of the winds. You could also attach a perpendicular straight blade behind the fan and hang it with a bottom weight in the air (the straight blade will keep the fan facing the wind).

Mother’s Day Rose

By Catherine Faltrauer

A stem of a rose that my daughter gave me for Mother’s Day in May, 7 months ago, and that I left in water with CO2 plasma: it made roots!

GaNS and cut flowers

by Gianni

Gianni put cut flowers in LP-CO2 with the effect that they stay much longer fresh. He found that they even produce seeds!
The LP he uses is from GaNS-CO2+ZnO, unwashed and dried. He had better results with dried GaNS than with undried GaNS; they produced the seed twice as fast!

In the image you see, the cut flower heads are in a glass cone without water; the cone sits on top of a glass container with water and GaNS (left and right undried GaNS in water and dried GaNS in the middle.

He called this test series “With Plasma Life continues”

Easy plant propagation

The original video is here

  1. Apple: wash the seeds and lay them on top a a small pot with soil, spray them with LP-CO2+ZnO and cover the pot with cling wrap.
  2. Strawberries: take the tiny seeds with tweezers from the strawberry fruit and put them in a shallow plate with a little LP-CO2+ZnO; cover with cling wrap.
  3. Pineapple: cut the top with the leafs, cut away all the fruit flesh and take off the first few rows of leafs; put the trunk in a small glass with LP-CO2+ZnO.
  4. Papaya: wash the seeds clean from fruit flesh, put them on the soil, only slightly covered with soil.
  5. Lichees: clean the seeds thoroughly and put them for 4 hours in LP-CO2+ZnO before planting them with the eye uncovered by soil.


Radish sprouts shelf life

Victoria presentation

We soaked the one batch of radish seeds in plain water and soaked the other batch in CO2 & CH3 plasma water for 24 hours. Both were seeded into plain coco fibre and left to germinate.

During the next 7 days each batch was watered respectively with the plain water and the plasma water. Both batches were harvested on the same day and packaged. Our normal shelf life of the Micro Radish was 12 -14 days from harvest. If the GANS water can make my radish last 6 months, can you imagine the effects on your Body.


Aquaponics salad

Victoria presentation

In an aquaponics installation to grow salad and fish, a plastic bottle was added; it contained the following mixture of LP+GaNS:

  • 70% Sea Water GANS
  • 15% CO2 GANS
  • 15% CH3 GANS

One small bottle of GANS affected 24 000 litres of water. This transfer of energy (FIELDS) was done through the plastic bottle. As a result, the salad was very healthy and was growing even in the very hot season without fouling.

Nano fence

To make a living fence around the Oasis grounds, Giani placed 80x coils (at 5m intervals) twisted into a symbol of infinity and nano-coated.





Plasma potatoes

By Ursula Colombier

How to plant potatoes: 1° soak them 24 hours in Liquid Plasma (PL-C02+ZnO), then put them in a shallow hole, a little soil as shown in the picture, plasma water, then covered with straw. It turns into natural fertilizer, then in the fall just scrape off the straw to collect….



Giani’s Oasis Experiment (Rumania)

Treated all kinds of seeds for 24hrs in 50%PL-CO2+50%PL-ZnO. They all germinated after the treatment.

He created a kind of oasis on his land. The whole land has been sprayed with LP; and CO2 and ZnO reactors have been installed.

He plants without disturbing the soil; just make little holes to put the seeds in (1-2inch/25-50mm deep). He did not pull out the weeds but ask them to accept their new neighbours.

The results are very healthy and plentiful plants; with some plants giving 2 harvests in one season (the site has a normal cultivation period from mid May to October). They as well as their cats have never eaten meat, they never had any disease during the plasma experiment (whole year 2018. In the wake of these experiments insects and birds that were not usually seen in this area (climate) showed up.

Extend growing season

From the South of the US

He put a loop of nano-coated copper wire all around the inside of the wooden growing box. The same tomato and pepper plants are still alive and producing in their 3rd year; even during the winter months when there normally is no cultivation…




Ukraine agricultural presentation

By Radii Barbanu, also printed in the Keshe Plasma Times, February 2019

The experiment has been done in Tiraspol on a very small spot of land; the soil itself is too poor for growing vegetables and there is not enough sunlight. All his previous attempts to cultivate any vegetables failed.

This time he planted two varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers in April 2018 (that is normally 4 weeks before the normal sowing time). All the seedlings sprouted.


The 20cm tall seedlings of tomato and cucumber were purchased on local market

Date of Planting: 12th of April 2018.

Planting: intermittent, uneven distribution.

Watering: regularly, once in 2-4 days, depending on soil humidity.

GaNS preparation:

  1. He made a GaNS-CO2+Mg+K following the guidelines to make GaNS for food or supplements: he mixed powdered magnesium and potassium aspartate for 7 days into PL+GaNS-CO2
  2. He added the amino acids from the CO2 process
  3. All the GaNS was mixed into 3 litres of demineralized water
  4. He added 5ml GaNS-CH3


  1. Week 1: spray a 10-15% solution of the LP-CO2 on the plants because the mix was not ready yet
  2. Week 2: spray a 1-15% solution of the LP-plantmix on the plants
  3. Place containers with LP-plantmix on the land at a distance of 1.5-3m
  4. During the first 2 months after planting, the spraying was done right after watering (every 2-4 days).
  5. After this the spraying was only done 1-2 times per month

It is important to note that no fertilizer had been added. During the summer months the daytime temperature could rise to about 60ºC


  • the tomatoes grew very well; at the end of the growing season, there were so many that the supporting structure broke
  • the first cucumbers could be harvested already end of may, after 6 weeks
  • the first tomatoes were harvested in June, after 10 weeks and the season lasted until end of October, when it was already cold even in daytime; it ended with the arrival of frost (-3 to -5ºC). Even at that time the plants still produce flowers.

Arugula Experience

By Plasma-Laurentides

This is an experience we have undertaken following the teachings of KSW 249 were we learned to use LP with amino acids to create an ideal environment for the plants. We have filled 6x ping pong balls with different LP concentrations of the same mix : 6p LP-CO2+ZnO, 2p LP-Cohn, 1p LP-Mg, 1p LP-CH3

We have made 2 balls with non diluted LP (1:1); then 2 balls with a dilution of 1:30; and 2 balls with a dilution of 1:300.

We hung 3 balls (the ones with the green threads) on wooden sticks forming a triangle and placed the other 3 under the planting box in the shape of an inverted triangle.

  • November 15, 2018: day of seeding

  • November 20, 2018: the seeds have sprouted

  • November 29, 2018: small irrigation with water only after 9 days of no watering

What we see today is that the seeds seem static, they don’t grow neither do they die. We think that is due to the missing sunlight: here in Quebec we are close to the winter solstice with very little sun hours per day and we have mostly cloudy weather. This means that the plasma treatment does let plants grow in respect to all they need to grow – except sunlight.